Main Window


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How to get here...

  • Double-click the VueMinder icon in the task tray (on the task bar, near the clock). The icon can sometimes be hidden, so if you don't see it, click the arrow button next to the task tray to access the icon.
  • Double-click the VueMinder shortcut on your desktop or Start menu.
  • Click the "Show Calendar" button in the upper-left corner of the desktop calendar.
  • Use the global hotkey for redisplaying the main window. The hotkey can be specified in the Program Options.


VueMinder's main window consists of 9 areas. These areas can moved and resized however you'd like when the "Show Dockable Pane Titles" option is selected in the Window menu. VueMinder will save any customizations you've made to the main window so they will be restored the next time VueMinder starts. You can also save or load window layouts using the Window menu. The tab locations and layout of the Calendar View can be customized, but only within the calendar view's sub-area. See the Calendar View documentation for more detail. The toolbars can also be moved or customized by right-clicking a toolbar and unchecking the "Lock the Toolbars" option. After unlocking the toolbars, drag the toolbars to the desired location on the main window.

This is the main window of VueMinder.

1. Main Menu

The Main Menu consists of 9 submenus. These menus enables easy access to most commands within the program, and commands are logically grouped within each submenu.

2. Main Toolbar

The Main Toolbar provides button shortcuts to commands that are also available from various submenus of the Main Menu.

3. Appearance Toolbar

The Appearance Toolbar enables the display of calendars, events, categories, priority types, and locations to be customized. The fill color, gradient pattern, and font can be modified to visually distinguish between these elements.

4. Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane shows the calendar of one or more months, enabling quick navigation to a different date. You can also hover the mouse over a date in the Navigation Pane to see a summary of that date's activities.

5. Calendar Items List

The Calendar Items List contains tabs for listing the calendars, categories, priority types, and locations

6. Details Pane

The Details Pane shows details for the currently selected event, task, note, or contact.

7. Status Bar

The Status Bar shows the current processing status and information about the active calendar, such as the number of events it contains and the last time it was synced.

8. Calendar View

The Calendar View is where your events, tasks, notes, and other data is shown. It consists of a number of view types, such as Day, Week, and Month - each on its own movable tab.

9. Clock

The Clock pane (not shown above) consists of either an analog or digital version of a clock showing the current local time. It can be displayed via the View menu.

Customizing the Main Window

You can customize the docking locations of the various window panes. To do this, the "Show Dockable Pane Titles" option must first be checked in the Window menu. You will then see a pane title as shown in the example below:
The dockable pane title can be used to change the docking location of various areas of the main window.

To reposition the window pane to a different area of the main window, click on the title bar and hold the left mouse button as you move the mouse cursor. The pane can then be dragged to a different location by moving the cursor to one of the docking indicator buttons. After dragging over a docking indicator, you'll see a shaded preview of the docked area the pane would occupy if the mouse button were to be released at the cursor's current position. If you release the mouse cursor when it is not over one of the popup docking indicators, the pane will be floating instead of docked. In the example below, the Navigation Pane is dragged to dock along the right-side of the main window:

A shaed preview of the pane's docked position is displayed as the pane is dragged to different docking locations.

As soon as the mouse button is released, the pane will float or dock at the selected location. You can also adjust the size of the pane by clicking its border bar and dragging it with the mouse. A preview of the new border will be displayed. In the example below, the Clock and Navigation panes were dragged to the dock along the right-side of the main window, and then resized to take less space.

Drag a pane's border bar to adjust the width or height of the pane. After releasing the mouse, the pane size will be adjusted.

You can also change a pane to automatically hide. It will redisplay when the mouse cursor if moved over the pane's title tab. To do this, click the pin icon on the right side of the pane's title bar. You can also click the drop-down menu button and select the "Auto Hide" option. After doing this, move the cursor off the pane. After a short delay, the pane will hide and be replaced with a smaller button. You can move the cursor over the button to cause the pane to redisplay. As soon as the cursor is moved outside of the pane, it will be again be hidden. If you're desktop resolution is small, this is a great way to increase the amount of space for the Calendar View, while still providing the convenience of having the other areas of the main window easily accessible.

Window panes can be automatically hidden by clicking the pin icon or selecting the Auto Hide menu option. A hidden pane will be replaced with a smaller button. Move the mouse cursor over the hidden pane's button to cause it to redisplay.

After you've defined the layout the way you'd like, you can save the layout to the file using the "Save Window Layout" command from the Window menu. You can define a number of layouts and switch between them using the "Load Window Layout" command, or by selecting from recently saved or loaded layouts. For example, you could have one layout that hides all window panes except the Calendar View, and another one that has a large List View. To quickly flip between the two layouts, you can use the Alt+2 keyboard shortcut.

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If you have questions that aren't answered here, you can reach our support team at If you're using VueMinder Ultimate you'll have our top priority. Otherwise, we'll reply as soon as all VueMinder Ultimate requests have been completed (and always within 1 business day).


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