Event List


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How to get here...

  • Click the "Events" tab on the main window.
  • Click the "Event List" command in the Go menu..
  • Press Ctrl+6.


The Event List displays a list of events occurring within a specified date range. The Event List also shows search results. To open an event in the Event Editor, double-click its row.

The event list with some example events displayed.

Date Range

The displayed date range can be adjusted by selecting a pre-defined range from the date range drop-down list, or by manually entering a start and end date. The following pre-defined date ranges can be selected:

Selecting Rows

To select a row, click the row header or any cell within the row. A range of rows can be selected by clicking a row, holding the Shift key, and clicking another row. All rows between the two clicked rows will also be selected. A black box will be drawn around selected contiguous rows. Each selected row will also have a black arrow in the row selector area, along the left side of the list. The Ctrl key can be held while clicking rows to select multiple non-contiguous rows. You can also press the Ctrl+A shortcut to select all listed rows.

When two or more rows are selected, a status bar will appear at the bottom of the list indicating how many events are selected and the sum duration of the selected events. This can be useful when combined with the search or column filtering capabilities, described below. For example, if you wanted to see how many hours an employee charged to a particular project within a specified date range, the rows could be filtered and then selected to see the total number of hours. If the sum is more than 24 hours, the total number of days will also be shown in parentheses.


The displayed columns can be customized by clicking the List button and selecting columns from the Columns submenu, or by right-clicking the column header. A list of columns will be displayed where columns can be toggled on or off. Columns that are displayed will have checkmarks.

Columns can be displayed or hidden for events.

The following columns can be displayed:

Grouping Rows

To group similar rows based on column value, right-click the column header and select the "Show Group By Box" command. Next, drag the column you'd like to use for grouping into the box at the top of the list. For example, if you want to group events based on associated category, drag the Category column header into the box. The list will update to group the rows together. Grouped rows can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the expansion indicator. A description of the grouped rows, and total row count for each grouping, will be displayed next to the expansion indicator.

Rows can be grouped by using the Group By Box.

To group by additional columns, drag the desired column header into the Group By box. Complex nested groupings can be defined by dragging multiple columns into the Group By box. To remove the grouping for a column, drag the column name out of the Group By box. If all columns are dragged out of the Group By box, rows will no longer be grouped.

Note, toggling off the Show Group By Box menu option while rows are grouped will not remove the grouping. It will only cause the Group By Box to be hidden. The Group By Box needs to be visible in order to add or remove row groupings.

Changing the Column Order

You can adjust the column order by clicking a column header and dragging that header to a different location. An arrow will display indicating where the column will be positioned. The column order is saved whenever it is changed, so the next time VueMinder starts, the column order will match what was most recently defined. In the example below, the Reminder column is moved from the last column to between the Title and Location columns.


Click the column and drag it to another location:
You can drag and drop columns to change the column order.

After releasing the mouse button, the column is moved:
After releasing the mouse button, the column will be repositioned. The column order is also saved.

Searching for Events

To search for events within the currently selected date range, type the desired search term in the Search box and press the Enter key. Previous search terms can also be selected from a drop-down list in the Search box. After commanding the search, a tab will be added at the bottom of the list, and the list will update to show only the events (if any) that were found containing the search words.

Search results will be displayed within a tab in the Event List.

You can command multiple searches, and each search will be added as a separate tab. The searched date range can also be adjusted via the date range controls, and the search will be automatically refreshed to show events within the new date range. To remove a search tab, click the tab's X button to close it. If all search tabs are closed, the full event list will be displayed. You can also click the red X in the search box to instantly clear all previous search results and return to the full list.

Multiple search tabs can be displayed. To close a search tab, click its X button.

Filtering Columns

Each column header contains a filtering icon. If the column is not being filtered, the icon will display as an empty filter or funnel. When filtering is active, the icon will change to be filled in. When the filtering icon is clicked, you can choose to filter rows based on the content of the column.

Note, this filtering is independent of any filtering performed in the Calendar Items area. Those filters take priority over the filtering in the Event List.

Rows can be filtered.

Basic Filtering

The following filtering selections are available. Uncheck an item to filter it.

Advanced Filtering

Advanced filters can be specified by expanding the Text Filters menu.

Advanced filters can be specified.

Selecting any of these advanced filtering commands will result in a filtering dialog being displayed, where one or more custom filtering conditions can be specified. Use the Operator and Operand values to define the filter. Click the "Add Condition" button to make a compound filter. In the example below, the Category column is being filtered to only show rows with calendars containing the word "Holidays". After you're satisfied with the filtering condition(s), click the OK button to apply the filter.
Custom filters allow practically any filtering condition to be specified.

After a column is filtered, its icon will change to be solid, as shown in the example below. Multiple columns can be filtered at the same time. To clear the filter, click the filter icon and select the "All" option.

After a filter condition has been specified, the rows will be filtered and the filter icon will change to solid.

Saving and Loading Filters

Filters can be saved or loaded from files.

The currently applied filter can be saved to a file, or a previously saved filter can be loaded and applied. The saved or loaded filters will apply to all columns, so whether you have a simple filter on one column, or complex custom filters on multiple columns, the complete filtering criteria will be saved or loaded. To reset the filter back to the factory default, click the Reset Filter command.

Refreshing the List

In most cases, the event list will automatically refresh. However, there may be some isolated cases where the list doesn't refresh. In those cases, you can force the list to refresh by clicking the List button and then clicking the "Refresh List" command in the drop-down menu.

Export List

The contents of the current list can be exported to a Microsoft Excel formatted (.xls) file by clicking List button and selecting the Export to Excel command.

The current list can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file.

The current list will be exported to the specified file name. If the file already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite it. If you have Microsoft Excel or another program capable of opening Microsoft Excel formatted files, you can choose to view the exported file after the export has been completed. Unlike the Calendar Export to Excel feature, exporting the event list does not require Excel 2003 or later to be installed.

After the export has been completed, you can choose to open the exported spreadsheet.

This is an example of how the exported list appears when opened in Microsoft Excel 2010. Note the first column is the Complete column. If a row is checked in the list, its Completed value will export as TRUE. Row colors will be close to the appearance in VueMinder, but without gradients, which are not supported by Excel 2003 or earlier.

This is an example exported list that is displayed in Microsoft Excel 2010.

Context Menu

When an event row is right-clicked, a context menu will display. The available commands are the same as the commands accessible from the right-click context menu of the Calendar View, and are explained in more detail there.

Right clicking an event row in the Event List will result in a context menu being displayed.

When clicking an empty row, the same menu that appears when the List button is clicked (in the upper-right corner of the Event List) will be shown. This menu enables columns to be shown/hidden, filters saved/loaded, or the list exported to Excel. These operations are described above.

A context menu is displayed when clicking an empty row.

Contact Us

If you have questions that aren't answered here, you can reach our support team at support@vueminder.com. If you're using VueMinder Ultimate you'll have our top priority. Otherwise, we'll reply as soon as all VueMinder Ultimate requests have been completed (and always within 1 business day).


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