VueMinder's user interface has been updated for version 2016.00. The new user interface looks sharper without distracting from what's most important - your schedule.New Appearance Themes
Version 2016.00 includes a dozen new appearance themes. The default theme is now a light gray, rather than the dark blue of the previous version. This helps lighten the user interface, providing better contrast with the toolbar buttons and tab icons.
If you like a bit of color, a new step has been added to the Configuration Wizard. Simply click the color you like. The window will automatically refresh to show the selected color. The new appearance themes can also be selected in the Appearance Options.
Updated Menus and Toolbars
The menus and toolbars have been updated to be easier to use on touch-screens and ultra high-resolution displays. All the icons have been redesigned to provide better visual consistency and a more modern look-and-feel. Here's a before and after comparison:
Before (v11.3.1):
After (v2016.00):
Before (v11.3.1):
After (v2016.00):
Updated Icons
The icons haven't just been updated on the toolbar and menus. Improved icons are featured throughout VueMinder. For example, see below for a before and after comparison of the Event Editor. Notice the icons on the tabs (Description, Reminder, etc.). It's now much easier to tell from a glance the intent of each tab. Also, the tabs and checkboxes are larger and easier to select on touch-screen displays.
Before (v11.3.1):
After (v2016.00):