What's New in Version 9.0 - Overview


Version 9.0 introduces VueMinder Ultimate, which adds the ability to share tasks, notes, and contacts over a local network, as well as the ability to define custom fields and input data for these fields on the Event, Task, Note, and Contact Editors. The Ultimate version is the new flagship of the VueMinder product lineup. However, the Lite and Pro versions also continue to be improved with new features, such as Google Task syncing, nested tasks, reminders based on event/task ending/due times, and much more.

Name Change and New Product Lineup

As of version 9.0, the "VueMinder Calendar" name has been simplified to "VueMinder", dropping the "Calendar" part of the name. There is also a new addition to the VueMinder family - VueMinder Ultimate. The Ultimate version expands on the features provided in the Pro version. It's geared toward power-users and anyone that needs even more flexibility than is provided in the Pro version. The Ultimate version will eventually include a developer API, so businesses can further extend the software to meet their unique needs, and 3rd party developers can create their own add-ons (more on this in the months to come).

There are also some other modifications to the product lineup. VueMinder Calendar Portable has been renamed to VueMinder Pro USB. The Lite and Ultimate versions also have USB variants. VueMinder Calendar Enterprise has been renamed to VueMinder Pro Site. There is also a new VueMinder Ultimate Site version. The Site variants are licensed to an entire site, but are otherwise identical to the regular Pro and Ultimate versions. The USB variants don't need to be installed, don't modify anything on the host computer, and can run from a USB stick. The Lite version will remain free, and the Lite USB version is also free.

Here's a summary of the new VueMinder product lineup, as of version 9.0:

  • VueMinder Lite (Formerly VueMinder Calendar Lite)
  • VueMinder Lite USB (NEW)
  • VueMinder Pro (Formerly VueMinder Calendar Pro)
  • VueMinder Pro USB (Formerly VueMinder Calendar Portable)
  • VueMinder Pro Site (Formerly VueMinder Calendar Enterprise)
  • VueMinder Ultimate (NEW)
  • VueMinder Ultimate USB (NEW)
  • VueMinder Ultimate Site (NEW)

New and Improved Features

Even though there's a new Ultimate version, the Lite and Pro versions will continue to be supported and improved, as can be seen in the list of updates below. Click a link to learn more about the improvements that have been made in version 9.0.

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