Inline Event Creation
Version 7.3 (both Pro and Lite) has been improved to allow the creation of events simply by clicking a day or timeslot and typing an event name. Pro version users can have pre-configured default settings, such as reminders, automatically applied to the new event. In many cases, the Event Editor window will never need to be opened when defining a new event. This improvement can save you time and help you become even more efficient!
Here's how this new feature works...
1. Hover the mouse over a date or timeslot. A box will appear saying "Click to add an event". This will box appear in the Day, Week, and Month views, as well as the Desktop Calendar.

2. Click the box, and then type an event name.

3. When finished, click elsewhere in the calendar view or press the Enter key. The new event will be added, without ever needing to open the Event Editor window.

You might also notice the reminder icon within the example event shown above. Each calendar can have default event and reminder settings pre-configured for new events. In this example, the associated calendar has a popup reminder enabled. Note, default event settings can only be specified in the Pro version. Lite version users can create events using the same feature described above, but reminders or other settings will need to be specified by opening the Event Editor window. If you're a user of the Lite version wondering why in the world you'd ever want to upgrade to Pro, this is just one example (of many) where the Pro version makes life just a little bit easier. To upgrade to a free trial, click the "Upgrade to Pro" button at the top of the main window, or click here.