Data Backup Improvements
Version 7.2.0 contains significant improvements to the backup and restoring of data. Previously, an automatic daily backup feature was provided, but each day's backup would overwrite the previous day's. In version 7.2.0, any number of previous backups can be saved. To reduce disk space usage, an option has been added to automatically remove backups that are older than a certain number of days. Each individual backup will now consist of only 1 file, instead of the 6 separate files used for a single data backup in the previous version. Backup files in 7.2.0 are further compressed to keep their size to a minimum. Also, instead of an automatic backup each day, there are now 8 different backup intervals that can be selected, ranging between 10 minutes and 2 weeks.

A new Restore window has been added. It will list all the previous backups, both ones that were performed manually or automatically. The number of events, tasks, notes, and contacts present in each backup will also be shown, along with the location of the backup file and the date/time it was created. To restore from a backup, click the desired row and then click the Restore button. To restore from a backup created before version 7.2.0, or if your backup file is not shown in the list, click the Browse button to locate it.

Keyboard Navigation Improvements
Keyboard date navigation in the Day, Week, Month , Year, and Timeline views has been improved. Holding the Ctrl key while pressing the Left or Right arrow keys will advance to the previous or next day, week, month, year, or timeslot range, depending on the active view. Functionally, this is equivalent to clicking the left and right arrow navigation buttons at the top of each view, but can be faster for people that prefer using keyboard shortcuts.

Recurring Event Editing Improvements
When an instance of an event belonging to a recurring series is modified, a variance is created. Previously, changing the entire recurring series would not affect any previously created variances. For example, if a recurring series was rescheduled to a different daily time, any variances belonging to that series would not be updated with the new time. Their reminders would also not be reset. Version 7.2.0 improves this by prompting to apply changes to the recurring series to any existing variances when the Event Editor window is closed. Clicking Yes will reset any variances so they match the updated series, while clicking No is equivalent to the behavior prior to 7.2.0, where any existing variances are not modified.

Overdue Task List (Pro Only)
The Task List has been improved to always show overdue tasks, regardless of the displayed date range. This helps ensure that any incomplete tasks aren't missed or forgotten. In the example below, several overdue tasks are shown, even though the displayed date range is past the dates the tasks were due. Previously, only the tasks due within the specified date range would be shown, regardless of completion status.

Default Font Selection
Whenever the font is changed in the event, task, or note editor, the updated font will be used as the default for any new events, tasks, or notes. If you have a favorite font style, you'll only need to select it once, instead of everytime a new item is edited. Previously, the default was always Arial (10 points). Now it wil be whatever you select.

Improved Tooltips
Tooltips have been improved in the Navigation Pane and Year View to show the day of the year for the date the mouse is hovered over.

Bug Corrections!
A number of bug corrections have also been made. The most notable corrections are related to calendar sharing over a local network (this feature is available in the Pro version only). Previously, events would sometimes disappear in shared calendars. Undoing and redoing event deletions, or restoring from a backup, would also cause problems in shared calendars. There were several problems syncing recurring events. These bugs have been corrected, along with many others, such as bugs related to reliability of reminder processing. To see the full details, click here.