Distribution Lists
Version 7.0 adds the ability to define distribution lists. Distribution lists can be used for email and SMS reminders. They can also be used when sending meeting requests, new email messages, or even text messages directly from VueMinder.
If you don't want to manage distribution lists, you can also use the "Group" data field of the contact data for ad-hoc recipient lists that don't need to be predefined. All contacts belonging to a certain group can be selected as recipients for reminders or meeting notices.
New tabs have been added to the List area of the main window, allowing contacts and distribution lists to be viewed and edited. The contact list has a number of columns that can be displayed or hidden. It also allows contact data to be filtered, sorted, searched, and printed.
Another new feature is the ability to right-click selected contact(s) or distribution list(s) and send an email or text message.
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