What's New in Version 2018.02 - Sync Event Completion Status with Google Calendar and iCalendar Files/URLs

Version 2018.02 adds an option to include event completion status when syncing with Google Calendar or 2-way with an iCalendar (ics) file or URL. In the previous version, when an event was completed on one computer, the completion status would not propagate to other computers.

To enable this feature in a calendar that is synced with Google Calendar, open the Calendar Properties and check the box labeled "Share event completion status" on the "Sync" tab. This will also need to be done on other computers that are synced with the same Google Calendar (unless you don't want completion status to sync to those computers). 

If the calendar is synced 2-way with an iCalendar file or URL, open the Calendar Properties and check the "Share event completion status" box on the "Sync" tab. This will also need to be done on other computers that sync with the iCalendar file or URL, unless you don't want the completion status to sync to those computers.

Event completion status will sync with any computer that has the "Share event completion status" box checked. Be aware, the default behavior of VueMinder is to not show reminders for completed events and to mark as event as being complete when its reminder is dismissed. In other words, if a reminder is dismissed on one computer, the reminder won't appear on any other computers that sync the event completion status. This might be the desired behavior if you're the only person using VueMinder on those other computers, but if this is NOT the desired behavior, it can be changed via the Reminder Options (accessed from the Options menu).
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