How to Add NFL Team Schedules to VueMinder

One of the often overlooked features of VueMinder is the "Add Public Calendars and Holidays" command. This command, accessed from the File menu, allows you to easily add holidays and other publicly available calendars to all versions of VueMinder. Now, courtesy of the awesome folks at, you can also add NFL team schedules to VueMinder. You can track the schedules of individual teams, divisions, or the entire NFL. These are automatically updated weekly, and will even show the scores from previous weeks in the event descriptions. The game times will also be adjusted to your local time zone. And, if your team makes it to the playoffs, the calendar will automatically update to show playoff game times.

To get started, click the "Add Public Calendars and Holidays" command on the File menu. Assuming your firewall allows VueMinder to connect to the internet, a window will be displayed listing all the available calendars. These are broken up into categories, such as "Entertainment" and "Holidays". To add NFL schedules, click the "Sports" category.

Next, click the schedule of the team (or division) you'd like to track. After clicking the team's name, click the "Add to Calendar" button. There's no limit to how many you can add to VueMinder. In this example, we'll add 2 teams, the St. Louis Rams and the Detroit Lions.

When finished adding team schedules, click the Close button. You'll see the calendars have been added to the calendar list and the game times appear in the calendar view.

Now, for some added visual coolness, you can optionally change the randonly generated color of the calendars so they match the team colors. This can be accomplished by using the Appearance Toolbar at the top of the window, or by double-clicking the calendar name to access the Calendar Properties window. You can pick a color from the drop-down list, type in a color name (such as "Blue"), or enter the RGB (red, green, blue) values.

Here's how it looks after the colors have been updated:

Now that you have your team schedules in VueMinder, you can do additional things like configure automatic email/SMS reminders for game times, view popup reminders to remind you when a game is about to start, send game party invitations (i.e., meeting requests) to your friends, print schedules for the full season, and lots more. Have fun!

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