What's New in Version 10.0 - Full Screen Mode

Version 10.0 adds a fullscreen mode to the main VueMinder window. When full-screen mode is activated, the window caption, menu, toolbars, and additional window panes will be hidden or collapsed. The Day, Week, or Month view will occupy the full screen. Fullscreen mode can be toggled using the F11 key. [More]

What's New in Version 10.0 - Many Other Improvements

VueMinder 10.0 adds many other improvements, including the ability to select the default calendar for new events, specify the text alignment (left, right, center) in the calendar, and link files or folders with items in the calendar via drag-and-drop. Many bugs have also been corrected. [More]

Help Documentation Updated

TheĀ help documentation for VueMinder Pro and Ultimate has been updated, making it current as of version 9.1.2. All the new features that have been added since the previous documentation update are described in full detail, with many new pages and screenshots to better describe how the software works.


What's New in Version 9.1 - Overview

Version 9.1 adds many new features, including date background images, event color sidebars, improved editing of recurring events, additional options for overlaying and grouping calendars, a redesigned distribution list editor, and more reliable syncing with Google Calendar. [More]

What's New in Version 9.1 - Background Images in the Month View

Version 9.1 adds the ability to specify background colors or images for dates in the Month view. Images can come from a local drive, network location, or the internet. A full-featured image search capability is provided, which will return available images based on one or more keywords. After selecting an image, it will appear on the date in the Month view, automatically scaling and/or cropping itself to achieve the best fit. Date backgrounds will also be included when printing or when saving the calendar to an HTML webpage. [More]

What's New in Version 9.1 - Color Sidebar Shows Associated Category, Priority, or Location

Version 9.1 adds an optional color sidebar to events, tasks, and notes. This sidebar can be used to see associated calendar, category, priority, or location colors. For example, if items are colored based on calendar, the sidebar can be configured to show priorities. All high priority items will have a red sidebar, or whatever color is assigned to high priority items. In previous versions, items could be color-coded, but only one color mode could be active at a time. With the addition of the sidebar, VueMinder makes it much easier to visualize your schedule. [More]

What's New in Version 9.1 - Google Calendar Sync - Now Using v3 of the Google Calendar API for Improved Reliability

VueMinder 9.1 has been updated to use v3 of the Google Calendar API. The new API fixes a number of bugs in the previous API and adds many other improvements. Most significantly, the v2 API, which was working well in the past, has recently started misbehaving. If you've noticed any syncing problems with version 9.0.3 or earlier of VueMinder, those problems have been fixed in version 9.1.0. [More]